
No more cockroaches






Discovering cockroaches in your household or establishment can be deeply troubling. As carriers of diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, and gastroenteritis, these pests pose significant health hazards. Exposure to cockroach droppings has even been associated with increases in eczema and asthma.Cockroaches are incredibly resilient insects, and their rapid breeding capabilities make professional treatment imperative to tackle any infestation effectively. Only expert-grade products and solutions are potent enough to eradicate all stages of their life cycle.If you’ve detected a persistent, unpleasant odor emanating from areas like under sinks, behind appliances, or in storage cupboards, it’s crucial to inspect for signs of cockroaches.

Did you know?

A cockroach can live for at least 1 week without its head.A cockroach can hold its breath for up to 7 minutesRoaches have been on earth for 350 million years and are considered the most successful creature ever.If a cockroach breaks a leg it can sometimes grow another one.

Signs of cockroaches

Unusual smell – An established cockroach infestation produces a lingering and unpleasant odour that taints items they contact.Cockroach droppings – If little water is available cockroaches will produce brown/black cylindrical droppings, approx. 2mm long.
Shed skin – Cockroaches shed ‘cast nymphal‘ skins 5-8 times as they mature to adults. These are usually found close to where they are sheltering.Check bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms – German cockroaches need warmth and humidity so are likely to be found in and around bathrooms, laundry rooms and kitchen areas. They are also good climbers, scaling smooth surfaces like glass and polished metal with ease, due to sticky pads on their feet.
Check your basement – Oriental cockroaches can cope with cooler, damp conditions and are more common scuttling about in basements or drains. If conditions are tolerable they can survive outside in areas such as rubbish tips. They are not as agile as German cockroaches, but can climb a surface such as rough brickwork.Smear marks – If water is abundant cockroaches will produce brown and irregular shaped smear marks. Check for marks on horizontal surfaces and at wall-floor junctions where cockroaches scuttle.

Bed Bugs

If you have bed bugs in your house, the only thing on your mind will be getting rid of them as quickly as possible. Bed bugs stay close to a food source, so are found where people tend to rest and sleep, hence the name bed bug. The frustration they can cause is not only due to the emotional stress of dealing with parasites, but also the irritation of their bites and the potential for secondary infection from constant scratching.There has been a recent resurgence of bed bugs in homes biting people at night. It is widely thought that this is related to a global increase in international travel (bed bugs are known to travel in luggage or clothing).omes evident.

Did you know?

Bed bugs are small insects that feed on human blood and are most active at times during the night when we are in our deepest sleep.Bed bugs are exceptionally difficult to get rid of because they hide so well and don’t need to feed very often.Once feeding regularly, a female bed bug will lay up to 500 eggs in a couple of months.

Signs of bed bugs

Dark/black stains – on the mattress and surrounding area from bed bug excreta.
Sweet scent – An unpleasant, sweet, sickly scent.Small dark spots – Small dark blood spots on bedding known as ‘faecal pellets’.Live insects – despite being small (adult are only 4-5mm long) it’s possible to spot live bed bugs and shed skins.
Although your bed is the first place to check, bed bugs can also hide in furniture and furnishings including:
  • bed frames and headboard crevices
  • mattress seams
  • carpets and underlay
  • skirting boards
  • between timber floorboards
  • in cracked or broken plaster, behind peeling wallpaper
  • inside electrical sockets and fittings
  • drawers and cupboards
  • wardrobes
  • bedside cabinets


Ants are a common nuisance in households and businesses, often invading kitchens, pantries, and outdoor areas in search of food and water. These tiny pests can quickly multiply and become a major annoyance if left unchecked. Effective pest control measures are essential to prevent ant infestations from worsening.Professional pest control services can offer targeted treatments to eliminate ants at their source, using safe and environmentally friendly methods. By addressing the root cause of the problem and implementing preventative measures, pest control experts can help you regain control of your home or business and keep ants at bay. Don’t let ants take over your space – invest in pest control today for lasting relief.

Did you know?

Most ants go for sweets or fats. Crazy ants also like sweets and feed on insects, as well as small vertebrates; however, they like to chew on wires too.Some say they are attracted to the magnetic fields surrounding electrical currents, while others claim it´s the warmth that attracts them.

Signs of Ants

Seeing live ants Spotting live ants in your home or office is a clear sign that a larger colony is lurking nearby. It’s improbable that only a few ants wandered in without a sizable, reproducing colony nearby. These diligent insects are always on the hunt for food, so their presence indicates an active search for nourishment.

Your Pet’s Food and Water Bowls: A Magnet for Ants – Ants have a knack for seeking out any available food source, including pet food. If you spot wandering ants or a trail leading to your pet’s bowl or its vicinity, chances are you’re dealing with an ant infestation. To prevent further attraction of ants, it’s essential to maintain cleanliness and dryness around your pet’s feeding area.

Ant Pathways: – Observing ant pathways leading into and out of your home or premises is another clear indication of an ant infestation. Certain ant species use pheromone trails to mark paths to food sources. These chemical signals attract other ants, guiding them to the food and back to the colony. If you notice well-defined trails of ants, it’s likely that they’ve established a route to a food source nearby.

Finding insect wings scattered on the floor, window ledges, or near outdoor entrances – Typically, between November and December or during periods of increased humidity, queen termites embark on flights to establish new colonies. After landing, they shed their wings, which may end up among the dust and debris in your home. It’s crucial not to mistake these discarded wings for those of ants.

If you’ve also spotted any “white ants,” it’s strongly recommended to seek professional assistance promptly, as this could indicate a termite infestation that requires immediate attention.

  • Ants belong to the insect order Hymenoptera, making them close relatives of bees and wasps.
  • Each ant colony can accommodate up to half a million ants, capable of mobilizing swiftly if the colony faces a threat.
  • Worker ants have a lifespan of up to seven years, while queens can live for up to 15 years.
  • Ants swarm annually, typically in August, when young queens take flight to establish new colonies. This phenomenon, known as flying ants, occurs during the swarm.


The presence of red bumps or pimples in areas such as your pet’s groin, belly, under the legs, on their behind, or at the base of their tail, could indicate a flea infestation.Additionally, hair loss, dry skin, and lesions in these areas, resulting from incessant scratching, can lead to infections and potentially more severe diseases if left untreated. It’s essential to address flea infestations promptly to safeguard your pet’s health and well-being.

Did you know?

An adult female flea has the remarkable ability to lay up to 40 eggs in a single day.Over its lifespan, which can last several weeks, this can amount to an astonishing average of 1,085 eggs per female. These eggs, which are not sticky, are dispersed into various environments such as carpets, cracks in wooden floors, pet bedding, and grass, making them difficult to detect and eliminate. With such prolific reproduction, a single female flea can give rise to a significant population of baby fleas in a short period.

Signs of Fleas

Allergic reactions: – Some pets are hypersensitive to flea saliva, which can trigger allergic reactions, causing additional discomfort and distress.
Blood loss – Fleas survive by feeding on blood, and repeated bites can lead to significant blood loss, particularly in young or frail animals. In severe cases, this blood loss can weaken pets and even result in death.Small Red marks – After a day or so, the weal (lump) may develop into a blister or small wound.Keep an eye out – The legs and feet are often targeted.
How to tell their in my bed? – Signs of fleas in your bedding can include tiny black specks often referred to as “flea dirt.”These specks are actually flea excrement, and a simple test involves sprinkling them with a bit of water; they’ll then turn a dark-reddish brown colour.Additionally, if you notice flea bites on your body, especially in areas where you’ve been sleeping, it’s a clear indication that fleas have invaded your bed. These signs warrant immediate attention to address the flea infestation and prevent further discomfort.

Carpet moths

Carpet moths may be small, but their larvae pack a destructive punch. These tiny insects can cause significant damage to rugs, carpets, tapestries, and various other valuable materials containing animal-based fibers such as wool, silk, and cashmere.Despite their size, carpet moths pose a serious threat to the integrity and longevity of your cherished belongings

Did you know?

Carpet moths have a strong affinity for natural fibers and can wreak havoc on carpets throughout your home. If you notice a significant presence of around 5 or more moths in a single room, it’s indicative of a serious moth infestation that requires immediate attention.

Signs of Carpet Moths

Check for damage to your carpets and fabrics Carpet moths frequently leave behind evidence of their presence in the form of holes and frayed areas in the fabrics they infest. These damages vary in size, ranging from small, barely noticeable holes to larger, more conspicuous damage. It’s essential to inspect your carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics in your home regularly for these signs of infestation.

Holes presence of small, silken tubes or cocoons in carpet fibers.

Check lights – Sightings of adult carpet moths, especially around light sources.

Accumulation of fine – powdery debris beneath carpets or in corners (moth larvae feces).

Look out for – Strong, musty odor emanating from infested areas.

These insects can be active throughout the year, but many moth species are particularly active during the spring and summer months.Therefore, it’s advisable to start preparing your home around March or April and remain vigilant until the end of August.Alternatively, you can simply pay attention to the onset of warmer weather and use that as your cue to begin preventative measures.

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